This is exciting new technology. You don’t need a SIM card and you don’t need to recharge the battery every day. Just Plug and Play with 3 years subscription included.
This Sigfox GPS Tracker that does not require a SIM card, but uses low-power networks, giving it improved battery life (up to 6 months) and efficiency that other GPS trackers lack. The subscription to the network is included for 3 years.
With this Tracker, you can locate instantly your kids or belongings by checking the app on your smartphone. The
Tracker combines GPS technology with the location of nearby Wi-Fi networks to offer the best possible indoor- and outdoor-positioning in any environment, both in the city, and in more rural areas.
Sigfox GPS SIM free tracker are the best tracking devices for kids or Elders.
For more information on SIM free trackers go to :
The home of GPS tracking technology